Thursday, October 20, 2011

In the Market

This morning I decided that M and I should do my language study in the market.  We started by catching a ride on a horse cart at the end of my road.  Our first stop was to go to the post office so I could buy some stamps for my postcards and check the mail.  With that mission accomplished, we headed to the market.  I love walking around and looking at everything and greeting the people.  When we passed a lady that I had talked with on another occasion, I decided to buy some tomatoes and cucumbers.  From there we passed some ladies cleaning fish.  They offered to have me help them clean the fish.  I thanked them but declined.  From there we went to a stall operated by M's cousin.  She offered us a seat so we sat for a spell.  I was able to talk to her a little bit and greet many people who came to make purchases.  At one point I even became a seller!  The lady sitting next to me who was selling fish had to leave for a few minutes and she put me in charge.  I actually sold a few fish for her!  (Thankfully, I didn't have to touch them!)  After a while we decided it was time to leave.  I purchased some peanuts on the way out before catching another ride on a horse cart to my house.  I actually boiled a few of the peanuts as soon as I got home and they are pretty good.

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