The Before Picture of My Road
Progress has been made on my street in Fatick. At long last, the road is finally paved. Not long after I arrived in early October work began. They started by grading the dirt road to make it smooth. They had to wait for a LARGE mud puddle on one end to finally dry up. Once the road was smooth, they placed rocks all across it to keep traffic off the road. Well, that didn't last long. Before you know it, many of the rocks had been moved to make a path for the motos (motorcycles) to pass through. Over time more and more rocks were moved so horse carts and cars could travel the road. At long last, the actual paving began this week. They got one side completely paved but then they stopped working for a couple of days. I'm not sure why unless the blowing wind (full of dust) kept them from work. Yesterday they finally started paving the other side but only got halfway finished. At last today they were able to finish the paving (during our family church service, of course). Now I can look forward to rainy season knowing I won't have to deal with any more mud puddles.

First Layer of Tar
Paving My side of the Road
Finishing Up the Other Side of the Road
My Newly Paved Road
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