Friday, August 5, 2011

Week Two

Have you ever felt like you have had information overload?  That's what I feel like this week.  It has been great and I've learned so much but it has almost been more than I could absorb.  The week started out with Dr. Elliff talking about prayer.  One of my favorite quotes from him was:  "The purpose of prayer is to get what God wants---not what we want."  Among all the other classes for the week, we studied doctrine with Dr. Lawless.  One of the things that spoke most to me came from Luke 22:31-62 where he showed us the steps for falling into sin using the life of Peter:  1) Begins by unrecognized overconfidence; 2) Result of physical fatigue and prayerlessness; 3) Results in trying to solve problems your own way; 4) The result of distance between you and Jesus; and 5) Results in missed opportunities for evangelism.  This information would be good for all of us to consider because we all are guilty of falling into sin.  As you can see, this was heavy stuff this week. Plus, I'm trying to memorize Bible verses, learn the Creation to Christ presentation, and read assignments.  No wonder I feel like I've got information overload.  Tomorrow is free so maybe I can just chill and give my brain a rest.

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