Today we had the opportunity to go to Mission Kalima, a group of believers here in Fatick, and attend the baby-naming ceremony of the pastor's newest baby. It was so good to be able to attend a Senegalese church service even though I didn't understand all that was said. We began the service with singing. Sometimes I could pick up on the words and other times I would just clap along with the songs. This was really good singing as opposed to some of the noise we hear when people are having parties.
After a time of singing and praying there were two visiting preachers who preached a message. They also had a special time of prayer and dedication of the baby.
Pastor Victor and wife Tening with baby Grace and their youngest son |
Baby Grace |
Tening and Grace |
Following the service we went upstairs to their apartment and enjoyed a wonderful dinner of rice and beef.
When you attend these kinds of events it is always customary to dress up for the occasion. All of us girls had dressy Senegalese outfits to wear.
Jourdan and Me |
Amy, Kaitlin, and Me |
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