One year ago today I landed in Senegal. I was excited to be coming to Africa for two years, especially since I had been to South Africa seven times and loved it there. Well, let me tell you, Senegal is NOT South Africa! It took a few weeks before the country began to grow on me and I could learn to appreciate its unique beauty.
Baobab Trees |
Dirt Roads |
Villages |
Beach |
I have discovered that the greatest beauty of Senegal is found in its people.
As I think back over this past year sometimes it feels like I just got here and at other times it feels like I've been here forever. I never realized how hard it was going to be to be separated from my family. Fortunately, God has given me a new family here in Fatick. I know that when June 2013 arrives it will be almost as hard to leave them as it was to leave my family in Alabama. I have experienced some lonely times as well. I have been surprised by special emails, packages, and cards which have all helped to lift my spirits. However, I've been disappointed in some friends because I feel forgotten. My Bible verse this week has spoken to me: "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love" (Psalm 33:18). This is a reminder to me not to put my hope in people but to put my hope in God because He will never fail. He has called me to this place to serve and He has promised to be with me always. Each day is an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life: the two precious children that I teach, my neighbors, and people I meet in the market. I just pray that when my time here is over I will be able to look back and know that I've accomplished the task God called me to do here in Senegal.
Thank you for sharing this special message on your "anniversary". Know that you ARE in God's will and He is proud of you! As we are too. He doesn't promise us easy times, but He does promise He will be with us in ALL times. Love ya. See you soon!