Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flood Project

     There has been a lot more rain this year during rainy season than in the past few years.  That has caused much flooding in many neighborhoods around our town.  Water has flooded many people's yards and even some of their homes.  In order for them to leave their homes, they would place bricks in the water to create a path on which to walk.  If they weren't placed very securely, many times they would end up in the water.  Walking in the water might cause infections and sickness.

Brick Path

     Using some ministry money that was assigned to me, we ordered five truck loads of dirt to be dumped in a neighborhood nearby.  Then the people in the neighborhood helped to move the dirt to make a firm path on which to walk.   

Load of dirt
     Unfortunately, the ground was too soft to hold the weight of the truck and it got stuck.  The truck had to be unloaded before it could be pulled out.

 Some of the boys did the work of shoveling the dirt.  It was loaded into a wheelbarrow and buckets to be hauled to the area where the path was being built.  This job was handled by the women and children.  To fully appreciate the difficulty of this task, imagine doing this on a day when the temperature was in the 90's and the humidity was probably 85-90%.  I was not able to do the work of hauling but I did help to pack down the dirt on the path.  I still got so hot that I had to leave and find a place to get re-hydrated and cooled off.

     This is the path that was made.  It is high enough and firm enough to allow people to get in and out of their homes without having to walk on bricks or in the water.  Hopefully, there won't be any more heavy rains that would wash away this path.

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